When teeth are seriously decayed or broken, and fillings or a crown cannot repair the damage, usually your only recourse is to pull it out. Although regular visits to a dentist will usually keep your teeth in good enough health so that you will not need a tooth extraction , your wisdom teeth can present a different set of problems to all the other teeth in your mouth. They are generally the only type of tooth pulled out while still healthy because they can have a detrimental effect on your overall oral health.

My name is Dr. Cristina Suaza, an experienced maxillofacial surgeon running my own dental clinic in the Colombian capital of Bogota. At Dentica by Cristina Suaza we regularly treat overseas patients when they experience problems with their wisdom teeth. In this article I will explain when and why you should have your wisdom teeth extracted.

As a member of the Colombian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, keeping up with the latest developments in dental care is something I care passionately about. I want you to be able to make an informed decision about your oral health, and if there is anything you are unsure of after reading this article feel free to contact a member of the Medical Departures Customer Care Team.

Why Wisdom Tooth Extraction is Important

Of the many reasons why wisdom teeth should be extracted, one of the most common is when they push up against your molars. This pressure can shift the position of other teeth in your mouth and cause painful ulcers. Another problem with wisdom teeth is when they remain just below the surface of your gum or only partially penetrate the surface. Your gum is caught between the chewing surface of your teeth, which can cause a disorder called pericoronitis . Symptoms include inflammation and sometimes infection of the soft gum tissue.

Wisdom teeth can also wrap around or push up against the inferior alveolar nerve which runs through your lower jaw. Damaging this nerve can lead to numbness in your lower lip and chin, so removing your wisdom teeth before they cause an issue with this nerve is important. Wisdom teeth can also be associated with rare tumors that occur in the jaw called ameloblastomas , which can cause swelling and even alter the look of your face.

A Quick Guide to Tooth Extraction Methods

Two methods are used for wisdom tooth extraction , most commonly referred to as the closed method and the open method. The closed method is the most straightforward, but can only be performed when the wisdom tooth has erupted through the gum and is visible in your dental cavity. When this is the case, a local anesthetic is administered and the tooth is lifted up using a dental instrument called an elevator. Using forceps, the dentist then rocks your tooth back and forth until it loosens up and can be pulled from its socket.

The open method, also called a surgical extraction, is used to remove teeth that have not broken through the gum or have fragmented beneath the gum. After you have been anesthetized, an incision on your gum is made, and sometimes your jawbone has to be cut through to access the tooth. Removal can involve breaking the tooth up into pieces to make it easier to pull out. The incision is then stitched up to speed up the healing process.

Neither procedure is as painful as it sounds as you will be given appropriate and adequate anesthetics prior to treatment.

Recovering from a Tooth Extraction

For the 48 hours after a tooth extraction, I recommend you alleviate the swelling by holding ice packs on your cheeks. Getting plenty of rest the first couple of days is also important, and be very careful not to knock the area where your tooth was extracted. Medicated mouthwash should be used twice daily to keep the wound inside your mouth disinfected. Maintaining good overall oral hygiene also goes without saying!

Get a Tooth Extraction in Columbia at Dentica by Cristina Suaza

When you have a tooth extraction in Colombia at Dentica by Cristina Suaza, you will obtain the same high-quality treatment you would expect at home—but at a fraction of the price. A closed method tooth extraction starts from just $60 and an open method extraction costs between $150 to $200. Make your appointment with us today using the Dental Departures online booking tool, or contact the Customer Care Team to have them schedule a time for you!


1. Gotter, Ana. Recognizing the Symptoms of Pericoronitis. Healthline. 23 June 2017. https://www.healthline.com/health/pericoronitis" target="_blank

2. Fine, James Burke. Ameloblastoma: Definition, Symptoms and Treatment. Colgate https://www.colgate.com/en-us/oral-health/conditions/cancer/ameloblastoma--definition--symptoms-and-treatment" target="_blank

3. Wisdom Teeth Removal: What Adults Should Expect. WebMD. https://www.webmd.com/oral-health/wisdom-teeth-adult" target="_blank