Many people wants to visit Mexico and get a dental work like All on 6. Cancun is attracting tourists seeking for oral care. Why is it a favorite destination for leisure and oral care? Read on and discover why Cancun is a magnet to tourists.

What is All on 6?

All on 6 is a dental procedure that involves that placement of 6 implants into the jawbone. The dental implants serves as artificial tooth roots capped with bridge or dentures. It’s an option for people who lost their teeth due to injury, gum disease, or other reason.

All on 6 dental implant procedure has many advantages. It shortens treatment time, reduces costs, and improves the quality of life. The treatment may eliminate the need for surgical procedure like sinus lift. This minimizes treatment time and reduces cost, which benefits the patients. It improves your quality of life with regards to the function, aesthetics, speech, and self-esteem. Restoring your teeth with All on 6 allows you to chew, talk, and smile with confidence.

Consult a dentist in Cancun to know if you’re a good candidate for All on 6. A complete examination will be taken to determine if this is the best option for you.

Why Cancun is a great place to get All on 6?

Cancun attracts visitors from around the globe because of its scenic attractions, superb dental service, and lower treatment price. It’s a top travel destination with world-class amenities, stunning beaches, and various attractions. The idyllic beaches provide a perfect backdrop for patients recuperating from a dental procedure like All on Six.

Top clinics like Dentics (now known as "All on Four Cancun") offer outstanding dental service, hi-tech facilities and advanced treatment handled by the best dentists. Cancun dentists are internationally trained and highly experienced. They have the same qualifications as the dentists in the US, Canada, and UK. For example, the dentists at Ocean Dental and Dentics are certified by the American Dental Association (ADA). At Ocean Dental, the Specialist in Restorative Dentistry is a U.S. Board Certified Dentist who has a wide experience in full mouth restoration, implant rehabilitation, and smile makeovers.

Clinics in Cancun utilize the same technology used by clinics in the US. With the use of sophisticated equipment such as Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) and computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM), the dentists optimally place the implants into the jawbone.

How much is the price of All on 6 in Cancun?

The lower cost of oral care in Cancun attracts many visitors. Clinics in Cancun offer high quality treatment at a fraction of the cost you’d pay in the US, Canada, or UK. To give you an idea, All on 6 in Cancun costs around USD $12,840 (CAD $17,331; £10,026) compared to US, it’s approximately USD $30,000 (CAD $40,493; UK £23,425).

If you plan to restore your missing teeth with All on 6, Cancun dentists can help you bring back your smile. For an appointment with the clinic in Cancun, get in touch with Dental Departures.