Turkey is an emerging dental tourism destination for patients to travel and receive their dental care.  Turkish dentists perform all standard dental procedures: implants, crowns, veneers, root canals, extractions, dentures, teeth whitening, braces, fillings & bridges.

Visitors to the Turkey experience a superb level of dental care which is comparable to and in some cases better than what they would experience at home. Travelers to Turkey can generally save up to 70% on their dental care by visiting a Turkish dentist.

The major centers for Turkish dental tourism are:  Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir.

Dentists in Turkey are regulated & registered with the Turkish Dental Association and the Turkish Ministry of Health.

Dentists in Turkey give global dental patients the ability to receive world class dental care at a discount and the opportunity to experience Turkey’s vast history, food & culture.

Turkey Visa Requirements

Foreign Visas
Almost all western & EU nations are able to receive a 3 month tourist visa at Turkish border gates with a valid passport.  

To learn more about visa requirements please visit:
Transportation in Turkey

Taxis are plentiful in the major cities like Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir.  Like most major cities the taxis in Turkey are a more expensive travel option but you are paying for convenience and local driving knowledge.  The golden taxi rule applies to Turkey:  when you get into the taxi insist that they use the meter or step out of the cab and hail another.

Ferries are a popular transportation option when traveling along the Turkish coastlines.  Ferries range from your standard ferry to fast ferries.

Turkey has a great network of short and long distance buses run by hundreds of companies.  There is a broad range of bus service from luxury, middle-of-the-road to budget that can meet every one's pocket book & taste.

These are min-buses that operate fixed routes in major Turkish cities.  Dolmuş do not have pre-defined stops:  you just ‘hop on/hop off’ at any point in their route.

Turkey offers a vast railway network to get you to where you need to go for a very reasonable price.  Going by train will generally take you the longest time to get to your destination but if you have lots of free time or you are on a budget it is a perfect mode of transport.  One new plus, there is a new high speed rail line between Istanbul and Ankara.

Car Rental
Car rentals are available in all of Turkey’s major cities and airports.  Renting a car is the most expensive transportation option but it can be the most rewarding.  Renting a car allows you to get off the beaten track and explore the back roads of Turkey.  If you are adventurous and have a good sense of direction go for it!

Communication in Turkey

Public phones are plentiful in Turkey and you can find them pretty much everywhere.  The cell phone coverage in Turkey is absolutely wonderful and if you have a GSM phone you will find it convenient to take your cell phone with you (watch out for the roaming fees).  The preferred methods to communicate with home are:  
  1. buy a prepaid SIM card an insert into your cell phone for cheap domestic and international calls 
  2. use the internet to call home via Skype or Google Chat
Internet access
Turkey has plentiful options to access the internet through your hotel, dental offices or cyber cafes.  You will not need to go far to find free wifi access or paid internet service in Turkey.

Great Turkish Dental Links