Did you know that you could get a smile makeover while on a holiday in Cancun? Consider shaping up your teeth with dental veneers. Cancun is a famous tourist destination surrounded by dental clinics offering low-priced treatments. The cost of treatment is just a fraction of the price you’d pay at home.

Keep reading to know more about dental veneers in Cancun.

Dental Veneers in Cancun

Your pearly whites show when you smile. If you’ve got some chips and cracks, they can affect the beauty of your smile. Restore your teeth with dental veneers in Cancun while on a holiday. Dental veneers also solve issues such as discoloration and misalignment. The thin shells are placed over your teeth to improve their appearance.

They are used to enhance the color, shape, size, and length of your teeth. Veneers are made from various materials like composites, porcelain, ceramic, and zirconia. The dentist in Cancun will help you determine the best option for you.

Treatment Process

The treatment process for veneers usually involves consultation and treatment planning, preparation, and placement of veneers. During your consultation, oral exams and assessment of your dental, as well as your medical status, will be taken.

Upon confirmation, the dentist will prepare a personalized treatment plan for you and determine the best material, shade, and size of your veneers. The dentist will begin the treatment by trimming your enamel to make room for your veneers. Your dentist will recommend a local anesthetic before the treatment. Impressions and models of your teeth will be created. These will be forwarded to the laboratory for processing.

Once the veneers become available, the dentist will fit and bond them to your teeth.

Note: Clinics with computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing are able to produce veneers in just a short period. Veneers milled from this equipment shorten treatment time, which is great for tourists who want quick results, or who have limited time.

Top Clinics in Cancun

Among the top clinics in Cancun are:

The leading clinics in Cancun are equipped with state-of-the-art technologies such as Cone Beam Computed-Tomography, digital x-rays, and lasers. Some of them built their own laboratory to give fast and accurate treatment. They comply with stringent sterilization processes to provide the best possible care.

The dentists performing the procedures specialize in Restorative Dentistry, Gum Treatment, Oral Surgery, and other specialized treatments. The specialists are US Board Certified Dentists and members of the American Dental Association (ADA).

Cost of Dental Veneers in Cancun

As mentioned earlier, the cost of veneers in Cancun dental clinics is lower compared to your home country. To give you an idea, here’s the estimated price of veneers in Cancun.


Price in the US

Price in Canada

Price in the UK


USD $450

USD $607

GBP 351

Other countries

USD $1,400

USD $1,890


The Bottom Line

Shape up your smile with dental veneers. Cancun dental clinics offer low-priced treatments. Find the top clinic in Cancun with the help of Dental Departures' Customer Care Team today. 


What Are Veneers And How Should You Care For Them? Colgate Oral Care Center. Website accessed: 24 April 2021. https://www.colgate.com/en-za/oral-health/veneers/what-are-veneers-and-how-should-you-care-for-them-0814

Porcelain Veneers – Procedure Costs & Recovery. Consumer Guide to Dentistry. Website accessed: 24 April 2021. https://www.yourdentistryguide.com/veneer-procedure/

CEREC - CAD/CAM solutions for dental practices. Website accessed: 24 April 2021. https://www.dentsplysirona.com/en/explore/cerec.html