Getting dental implants abroad can be a great solution for replacing missing or failing teeth or sets of teeth–at a fraction of the cost back home.

While Dental Departures can help facilitate your trip overseas, ensuring proper aftercare following your implant procedure is essential. Here's what you need to know:

First 2 Days:

- Minimize pressure: Avoid chewing on the implant site. Stick to liquids and soft foods like yogurt and smoothies.
- Reduce swelling: Use ice packs on your cheek for short periods throughout the day.
- Manage pain: Take medications as prescribed by your dentist.
- Maintain oral hygiene: Gently brush your teeth, avoiding the implant area, and use a prescribed rinse.


- For the first week, stick to soft foods like mashed potatoes and eggs.
- Gradually introduce soft and semi-soft foods like steamed vegetables and fish.
- Avoid hard, crunchy, spicy, or acidic foods for several weeks.
- Your dentist will give specific dietary advice based on your case

General Care:

- Avoid smoking and alcohol: These can hinder healing.
- Maintain good oral hygiene: Continue gentle brushing and flossing.
- Rinse with salt water: This helps keep your mouth clean and reduces infection risk.
- Avoid strenuous activity: Take it easy for a few days after surgery.
- Attend follow-up appointments: Keep all scheduled visits with your dentist and follow their instructions


Warning Signs:

- Excessive bleeding: Contact your dentist if the bleeding is heavy or doesn't stop.
- Signs of infection: See your dentist if you experience persistent pain, swelling, or discharge.
- Loose implant: If the implant feels loose or otherwise unnatural, contact your dentist right away.
- Numbness or tingling: Report prolonged numbness in your face, lips, or tongue. Read more about the risks here.

Traveling After Surgery:

- You might be able to travel home the same day, but avoid flying if possible
- If flying, consult your dentist first. The wait time before flying depends on the complexity of the surgery, flight duration and your individual situation.

Additional Recovery Tips:

- Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of fluids.
- Get enough rest: This helps your body heal.
- Manage stress: Practice relaxation techniques to promote healing.
- Take prescribed antibiotics: This helps prevent infection.

Learn More with Dental Departures: