Receiving safe dental treatment in Mexico is possible when you book your treatment at one of our background-checked, well-qualified dentists.

Mention to friends, family or colleagues that you are going to Mexico for dental treatment and reactions will range from surprise and horror to best wishes and interest. The problem is, a patient crossing over the border and successfully undergoing treatment isn't newsworthy; on the other hand, when something does go wrong - as it does anywhere in the world - it's far more likely that you'll hear about it online. 

We keep on saying it, but unsatisfactory dentists are not just confined to Mexico – you can be unlucky enough to have a bad experience anywhere, even in your home country.

However, following a few simple tips will help you to sort the wheat from the chaff, enabling you to feel confident, safe, and secure in the knowledge that your chosen dentist not only adheres to rigorous safety protocols but is fully experienced and qualified for the procedure you require.

Dentist Training Varies

Dentist training requirements vary from country to country, and even from state to state in the United States. However, in the US and Canada, in order to practice dentistry applicants are required to be either graduates of accredited (by the American Dental Association or Canadian Dental Association) pre-doctoral dental education programs, or have completed, at an accredited dental school, an advanced degree, certificate, or two-year International Dentist Program.

After graduating, students must pass the National Board Dental Examinations (NBDE) in order to become licensed to practice. Following this, dentists can move into practice as a general or family dentist, or choose to undergo further training and certification in specialist areas such as oral maxillofacial surgery, or implantology.

Why Modern Dentistry in Mexico Is Safe

The main difference in Mexico is that after receiving training to become a general dentist, there is no formal requirement to be licensed, or to receive further certification for specialist training. In the past, this resulted in dentists undertaking work for which they were not qualified, or even trained for.

While there may well still be some of these out-dated dental professionals around, the majority of modern Mexico dentists have moved with the times. Certainly, for dentists who are involved in dental tourism, there is so much competition around, that providing good quality dentistry is now a minimum requirement.

The Mexican Dental Association (ADM) is now offering qualified dentists certification, much like the NBDE in the US. While this is not mandatory, it is aiming to bring Mexican dentistry more into line with practices in the United States and Canada.

Certification with the ADM is only valid for five years, introducing the concept of continuous training, as dentists must be able to demonstrate their ongoing abilities in their specialist fields in order to get re-certificated.

For many bona fide professional dentists in Mexico, although certification is a step in the right direction, many are choosing to have professional certification, not just in Mexico, but in other highly-regarded associations throughout the world. Thus, it is not out of the ordinary to find plenty of Mexican dentists with accreditation at universities in the United States or Canada.

For dentists who have trained in Mexico, post-graduate certification from US or Canadian universities demonstrate they have – and are – undertaking continuous training in their areas of expertise at specialist centers.

Top Dentists in Mexico

Researching this information is one of the most important areas when considering dentistry abroad. Dental Departures has already verified this information, and clicking on the ‘Dentists’ tab will give you a list of our dentists, and their qualifications.

Get started now with these top-rated clinics in Mexico:

The Bottom Line

Dentistry in Mexico can be just as safe as going to a dentist at home - but you need to make sure they are reliable. Dental Departures' commitment to safety includes background checks on dentist qualifications and visits to clinics. Remember that your happiness and safety should be your number one priority. After all, our safety checks guarantee it is ours.

To book an appointment, follow the easy steps on our site or connect with our Customer Care Team, for free. 


Canadian Dental Association. 2020.

American Dental Association. Website accessed: 4 November 2020.

International Congress of Oral Implantologists. Website accessed: 4 November 2020.

Mexican Dental Association. Website accessed: 4 November 2020.