In some cases, you can certainly travel abroad for orthodontic treatment. However, it must be remembered that teeth-straightening procedures are not quick-fix solutions and usually require frequent visits to the dentist over a number of months of years. Unless you live reasonably near or travel to a particular destination regularly then braces abroad is probably not a viable option.

If they are then you will certainly save money, and receive top-quality treatment using the same brands and teeth-straightening systems that your dentist at home uses.

What kind of teeth straightening systems are there?

Gone are the days when fixed metal wires were the only form of orthodontic treatments available. Nowadays there are a number of different systems that may be available, depending on the severity of the problem.

Traditional fixed orthodontic braces:

These are still the traditional method of straightening teeth, particularly on children. Metal, or plastic, brackets are attached to the front of the teeth and metal wires threaded through. The wires are tightened progressively (usually every month) which gradually moves the teeth into a straighter position. The treatment can take up to 2 years to complete.

Damon System:

While these, too, are fixed brackets attached to the teeth, the Damon system are known as ‘self-ligating’ braces, which means that the bracket holds the wire in pace without the need for steel ties or o-rings. Because of this, the braces are usually slightly more comfortable to wear as they cause less friction and rubbing against the soft tissues in the mouth. However, like any braces, they will cause soreness – your teeth are being moved and certainly every time you have the braces tightened your mouth will be tender for a few days.

Lingual Braces:

Lingual braces are similar to conventional wired braces, but are not visible as they are fitted to the back rather than the front surfaces of the teeth. For adults who are self-conscious they are ideal, although they may be quite difficult to get used to and uncomfortable.


Another popular choice for adults. They are virtually undetectable, looking like a transparent gum shield. The aligners need to be changed every two weeks.

Inman Aligner:

With metal components this isn’t as invisible as Invisalign as it relies on a removable aligner to gently move the teeth. However, only one appliance is required for the duration of the treatment, so it costs a lot less than Invisalign, and the treatment is often quicker.

Six-Month Smile:

Six month smiles have taken the best aspects of conventional braces and modified the materials and treatment to give a cosmetic solution that is quick and barely visible. The Six-month Smile has shape memory wires that work in conjunction with the brackets to a pre-set desired position, which is established at the beginning of each patient’s treatment. Patients return to their dentist every month for adjustment.

Ask our customer care team about orthodontic treatment with one of our global dentists, or send an email to If you’re one of those people who has always covered your mouth when you smile because of your crooked teeth you may find that there is a modern-day solution to your problem that doesn’t cost the earth.