Restorative dentistry is another term for restoring the appearance of your smile using various techniques and procedures – many of which will be familiar. The techniques can overlap with cosmetic dentistry procedures. However, many procedures are common to family or general dentists, who are at the front line in the diagnosis and treatment of dental problems.

Quite simply, restorative dentistry restores the mouth to a functional and esthetic state, and can include many different specialties, including prosthodontics (false teeth), periodontics (gums), endodontics (root canals), implant dentistry and maxillofacial surgery, as well as procedures such as fillings. Depending on the nature of your problems, you may have your restorative dentistry with a specialist, or a general dentist.

Many people don’t realize that a few simple procedures can change your smile dramatically – and while the price at home may be off-putting, going to a dentist abroad can save on average 70%.

Some common restorative dentistry procedures you can have at our dentists across the world:


Yes…the common composite filling is a restorative technique. While you may not travel specifically for just a filling, if you are abroad you may consider taking a little time out of your holiday to have a filling done. It’s quick, will preserve your tooth and can save you up to 90%.

Crowns and Bridgework:

Crowns are used to strengthen teeth, for example if you have had a large filling, or after a root canal. They are also used to restore chipped, cracked or damaged teeth to their former glory. Essentially, they are a false tooth, so if you have a missing tooth, a crown can be put in the missing space by way of a bridge, i.e. the crown will be anchored to the neighboring teeth. Crowns can usually be completed in a matter of days.


A single veneer can be used to disguise a damaged or discolored tooth. However, several veneers are very successful in changing the appearance of crooked teeth, giving you a straight smile in a matter of days (or sometimes the same day) that usually would take years of orthodontic treatment. It is a fairly non-invasive procedure as only a thin sliver of tooth enamel is removed to accommodate the veneer. They are attached, firmly, to the front of the tooth using a light-activated adhesive.

Dental Implants:

The Rolls-Royce of restorative dentistry – and virtually indistinguishable from a real tooth. The dental implant is surgically placed into the jawbone and is, to all intents and purposes, a false tooth root. A crown (false tooth) is attached to it and together they will act, feel and look just like your own tooth.

This is a really popular procedure to have done abroad – most patients saving at least 60% on comparable costs at home. However, it usually takes at least 2 visits, up to a year apart, to complete the treatment. The majority of people who have the treatment are usually overjoyed with the results, so it is certainly worth the wait.

If you’re wondering about these, or any restorative dentistry procedures abroad, we’re be happy to help you find a suitable dentist. Get in touch with one of our knowledgeable customer care team who’ll talk you through it.