With medical and dental prices in the USA being at an all-time high, many US citizens seek out health and dental options they can afford, and if you are fortunate to live in California, a trip over the Mexican border is the answer to your woes. When it comes to dentistry, it’s all about quality and cost, with the full mouth restoration Tijuana cost being one of the most affordable money can buy.

Dental Work Tijuana Options

The beauty of assessing dental work in Tijuana is that the US border is located just south of San Diego, ensuring that quality dental choices in Tijuana are just a short drive away from the US, accessible to all Americans.

Thousands upon thousands make this choice every year, and with lots of specialized clinics that specialize in all manner of dental work and procedures, you can enjoy modern and state-of-the art facilities for prices that you can afford. The full mouth restoration Tijuana cost will give you the confidence to smile again, which as we know for those with dental problems, is really important in life.

Quality Dental Tijuana at Dr. Dalia Dental Care

One of the most highly recommended and reliable dental practices in Tijuana is the Dr. Dalia Dental Care establishment, located under a 10-minute walk from the San Ysidro border entry to Mexico in San Diego. As international members of the American Dental Association, Dr. Dalia Dental Care has been at the forefront of innovative dental procedures since 1992, attracting a vast cacophony of dental care patients from the four corners of the globe over the past 25-years.

Widely known for their high-standards, honesty and integrity, their team of specialists have expertise in all manner of Dental Work Tijuana. From Orthodontics and General Dentistry to Maxillofacial, Prosthodontics and Periodontics, Dr. Dalia’s team of experts have a solution to even the starkest dental problems.

When you seek a full mouth restoration Tijuana cost, a free quote from Dr. Dalia Dental Care is the steadfast way to make that first step towards reaching your dental dreams and the perfect smile.

Full Mouth Restoration Tijuana Cost Analysis

When we have dental issues, it’s easy to research online to find out the recommended procedures needed to help alleviate and fix your problems. A full mouth restoration Tijuana cost analysis will show that Dr. Dalia’s services are not only high-quality and fully-accredited, but also extremely affordable, making them the ultimate location for dental work Tijuana.

At Dr. Dalia Dental Care, full denture acrylic teeth (upper or lower) cost approximately $550 to $600; porcelain full dentures cost $700; and partial acrylic dentures come with prices starting from approximately $500. This is a vast contrast to the same dental procedures in America that would cost more than sending your children to private school.

As you can see, making a special pilgrimage to a dentist in Mexico to take advantage of the low full mouth restoration Tijuana cost is changing people’s lives as we speak. Don’t fret, as there are always more affordable dental work options over the Mexican border that are not only extremely accessible to all Americans, but also provide quality for a fair price.