Dental travel is a great way to save thousands on your dental care.  Dental care is expensive, and dental insurance doesn't cover much treatment at home.  However, using your insurance money to pay for your dental care abroad will stretch your dollars even farther.

In the US and Canada, the average dental insurance plans covers about $2,000 of treatment per year.  Many dental procedures cost much more than this, and many patients are forced to put off necessary treatments or divide their treatments over a number of years.  Putting off treatment can cause the overall oral condition to degrade further, cause further suffering and end up costing more money down the road.

How does it work? 

Most major dental insurance companies are happy to reimburse you for the cost of your dental care abroad.  After all, it can save them money too.
The vast majority of dental clinics abroad cannot direct bill your insurance company, which means that you will pay for the procedure out of pocket, but they will reimburse you for any eligible costs.

Below are a couple examples of how much money you can save.

Need dental crowns?
Average cost of 5 crowns in the US or Canada: $4,000
Amount paid by dental insurance provider: $2,000
Amount paid by dental patient: $2,000

You would pay: $2,000

Average Cost of 5 crowns in Mexico or Costa Rica: $2,000
Amount paid by the patient at the time of treatment: $2,000
Amount reimbursed by dental insurance provider: $2,000

You would pay: $0

Save $2,000 at a dentist in Mexico or a dentist in Costa Rica!

Need dental implants?
Average cost of 3 dental implants in the US or Canada: $16,000
Amount paid by dental insurance provider: $2,000
Amount paid by dental patient: $14,000

You would pay:

Average Cost of 3 dental implants in Mexico or Costa Rica: $4,500

Amount paid by the patient at the time of treatment: $4,500
Amount reimbursed by dental insurance provider: $2,000

You would pay: $2,500

Save $11,500 in Mexico or Costa Rica!

Every dental insurance plan has different coverages and policies.  So if you want to see how much you save with a dentist in Mexico, Costa Rica, or even a dentist in Thailand, call your dental insurance company to get information about their policies.  Your provider can advise you if they will reimburse you for your treatment and what documents you will need to bring with you to get your money when you return.

Contact us to see how much you can save on your dental care:

We are always here to help save you money and get the confident smile you deserve!

Here is some information about Delta Dental's polices for dental care abroad.