If you’re planning a dental vacation in Thailand to get oral care procedures like the All-on-4® treatment concept by Nobel Biocare, Phuket dental clinics can help you restore your teeth with stable and natural looking teeth at a reasonable price. Here’s an ultimate guide to help you achieve successful results.

The All-on-4® Treatment Concept

This innovative dental procedure places four dental implants into the jaw with a bridge or dentures attached. The four implants are positioned at an angle, which provides maximum support. The procedure may eliminate the need for additional procedure like bone graft which is great for people with insufficient bone to hold the implants. It provides a number of benefits to the patients:

  • Shortens treatment time
  • Reduces costs
  • Improves your quality of life

Since the treatment may eliminate the need for additional procedure, it shortens treatment time and provides you with big savings on your dental expenses. Full-arch implants improve your quality of life by replacing your pearly whites with stable replacement teeth. This helps you talk and eat with confidence.

If you want to know if this is the best option for you, sit down for a consultation with a Phuket dentist. A comprehensive examination will be taken including a review of your dental and medical status. Using an ultramodern technology like cone beam computed tomography (CBCT); the dentist will place the implants into your jaw and attach the temporary teeth (bridge or dentures). After the healing process, which is approximately 6 to 8 weeks where the bone fuses with the implants, the dentist will replace the temporary teeth with the permanent ones.

Observe proper oral hygiene to maintain optimal health. Always visit the dentist for oral exams and professional teeth cleaning.

Best Implantology Clinics in Phuket

Dental clinics in Phuket have world-class, internationally accredited facilities such as:

A complex procedure like the All-on-4® treatment concept also requires an expert to optimally place the implants into the jaw. Authorizzed clinics in Phuket are comprised of highly trained and experienced dental specialists who perform procedures like full mouth rehabilitation. As members of organization like the International Congress of Oral Implantologists, they adhere to global standards.


Dental Implants: Phuket Clinics Price List

The cost of dental services in Phuket is affordable compared to Australia, New Zealand, UK, and US. To give you an idea, here are average prices of the All-on-4® treatment concept in Phuket:

In Phuket: AUD $14,030.00
(NZD $14,918.00; UK £8,751.00; Eur €9,786.00)

compared to Australia: AUD $33,915.00
(NZD $36,060.00; UK £21,153.00; Eur €23,655.00)

Bring back your beautiful smile. Phuket dental clinics can help you restore your teeth by visiting a top-quality provider with the help of Dental Departures.