Are you thinking about traveling to Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, to get a mouthful of new teeth? In Nuevo Laredo, dental clinics and hospitals provide special, affordable and cost-effective options for the All-on-4® Treatment concept by Nobel Biocare. But before proceeding any further, here at Dental Departures we can provide you with key and essential information regarding full-arch dental implants in Mexico.

The Dental Surgeons are Experienced

Before getting started, your Mexican dental surgeon will make it his duty to inform you about the entire procedure, detailing every step that is involved and what to expect at each stage. Before your implants are inserted, it will be necessary to do some imaging tests to assess your bone mass and determine whether or not you have a jaw bone strong and dense enough to support the implants. If your jaw bone is not strong enough, your orthodontist will make some recommendations with regards to what happens next.

The Procedure is Quick and Effective

During the procedure, four dental implants will be inserted directly into your jaw bone (either the upper or lower jaw). Whether the implants are inserted on the upper or lower jaw depends on which set of teeth you are looking to replace (upper teeth or lower teeth). The four implants are inserted, with two installed anteriorly and the other two installed posteriorly, at 45º angles. Once the implants are put in place, the crown, which is the new full row of teeth that you’d wake up smiling with, is placed on top of the implants and is screwed with the abutments (which serve to connect the implants with the crown and help secure the entire structure).

One of the advantages of a full-arch restoration is the fact that the implants are strongly anchored in the jaw bone, and the crown is strongly secured to the implants with the help of the abutments. This helps to keep the implants in place when talking, laughing, singing and eating.

Specific Recommendations need to be Followed After the Procedure

After your implants have been put in place, you’ll need about three to six months to allow them to fuse securely with your jaw bone through a process known as osseointegration. During the healing period, you will need to undergo some diet and lifestyle changes and avoid habits and foods that could either delay your healing process or damage your dental implants.

In Nuevo Laredo, our partnered implantology clinics provide safe, affordable, top-quality treatments. Our clinics are known for providing excellent care, using state-of-the-art, cutting-edge dental technology. If you’re looking to get the All-on-4® Treatment concept in Nuevo Laredo or anywhere else in Mexico, contact our Customer Care Team now on the toll-free number provided.