All on 6s are a revolutionary dental implant procedure that replace a whole arch of teeth, either upper or lower, with a complete set of stable, permanent teeth that look, feel and behave just like your natural teeth used to.

Dentists in Denpasar are at the forefront of this field, delivering an affordable, long-term solution to the stigma of missing teeth but without compromising on the quality of the treatment. Here are three reasons why you should get your All on 6s in Denpasar:

  1. Dental Tourism

Dental tourism has become a major part of the economies of many Southeast Asian countries, such as Thailand, Malaysia, The Philippines, and now, Indonesia. The governments in these countries have come to realize that, due to the low cost of living in Asia, they are able to offer top quality dental services for a fraction of the prices being charged in western countries.

This lucrative market has encouraged huge financial investments in state-of-the-art dental facilities and training. This ensures that international standards for quality and health & safety are adhered to and that overseas patients receive the same level of service that they would expect back home.

  1. World Class Facilities

To ensure that you book your treatment at a reputable clinic, it is advisable to do some research beforehand. Reading up on previous patient’s experiences can be invaluable, as can checking out a reliable all on six review. Denpasar clinics consistently receive positive feedback, so you should definitely consider the following institutes for your All on 6 procedure:

Led by Dr.Sucipto Angga Husada, who is a member of the Indonesian Dental Association, the Bali International Dental Center is a contemporary facility offering superior All on 6 procedures in a pleasant and tranquil environment.

Rumah Gigi Sehat are an established facility that have been delivering first-class preventive care, orthodontics, and aesthetic dentistry for just under a decade now.

These are just a few examples of the quality All on 6 clinics in Denpasar offering superior dental treatments at affordable prices.

  1. Cost of Dental Treatment

Arguably the biggest factor that influences patients to look abroad for their dental treatment is the rising fees being charged by dentists locally. Undergoing All on 6 treatment is the most expensive dental procedure there is and, for many, is simply not an option because of the price.

However, getting your All on 6s in Denpasar is surprisingly affordable, as the following price comparison illustrates:

  • Domestic Cost: AUD $36,000; NZD $39,588; USD $28,027; CAD $35,011; GBP £21,203; EUR €23,640

  • Price in Denpasar: AUD $11,000; NZD $12,096; USD $8,563; CAD $10,698; GBP £6,479; EUR €7,223

  • Overall Saving: 69%

So, to book your affordable All on Six in Denpasar, get in touch with a member of our Customer Care Team today!